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You're highly sociable, and a natural people-person. 


You’re also a creative and fun individual, so it totally makes sense that people effortlessly gravitate to your aura.   But you often find yourself self-sacrificing and giving of yourself to the point where you feel tired, overworked, burnt out, and unfulfilled.  But rather than taking a moment to rest and recharge – you push yourself to keep going because you feel guilty about putting yourself first, and you know the people in your community are depending on you. 

Here’s the thing: you can’t pour from a cup that’s empty. 

To Charge Your Gem You Need A: JOYrney To JOY.

By now you're probably thinking, "okay, what the heck is a #JOYGem anyway?"  The answer is simple:  #JOYGems have been developed as part of the JOYrney To Purpose™  framework to describe the unique perspective, mindset, or abilities that allow you to radiate JOY into the world.  Your #JOYGem is the thing that makes you shine brightest among others around you via your specialized form of genius (in this season)!  But knowing your JOY Gem type is just the beginning of the JOYrney...

Your #JOYGem’s Strengths:

  • You’re empathetic - You’re committed to bettering the lives of others.  Being that you are community-oriented, you love being the one that people can call and count on.

  • You’re a pretty great communicator and considerate of how you speak with others, but you have a tendency to avoid fully expressing yourself with others.

  • You’re open, ready, and willing to do the work. You're excited to rediscover yourself in ways you never have before but, you just aren't sure of where to get started and how to begin the process. 

  • You’re pretty organized - You can be good at managing things and keeping order when you have the time to think clearly.  But when too much comes to you at once, you can very quickly feel overwhelmed and inefficient.

  • You like to have a good time - when the time and space allows for it.  Your JOY-goal moving forward: is to allow for more play by creating space and time to “let the good times roll” more often!

In this season you need to be more intentional about who (and what) you pull into your orbit.  To maximize your JOY, you need to be prioritizing REST and refueling your spirit for those you love most… but most importantly, for yourself.



But First,

Allow me to introduce myself...

 Hi!  I'm Erica Lasan and I help women and entrepreneurs who are overwhelmed, overworked, and "over it" – create space to prioritize themselves and get organized so they can find more JOY, purpose, and healing in what's next!  


A lot of people believe that success and prosperity comes strictly from hard work. But what if you could create a life that you love by following your JOY and  embracing more play? (Trust me, it's possible!)


Success isn't about the money you make, the titles you wear – though, I wish you much prosperity and abundance – success is about feeling good, fulfilled, and at peace with your life.  


I'm committed to helping you find FREEDOM in your purpose so you can live out your WILDEST DREAMS (and change the world!) through RADICAL JOY.  


Let's keep in touch!

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Charge Your JOY By...

  • Avoiding people-pleasing - You often feel guilty about taking time out for yourself and investing in self-care for  yourself (whatever it may look like).  You focus on yourself so infrequently that you barely recognize who you are, and what you truly want in this season.

  • Ditching the GUILT. Make it a point to prioritize time for yourself each day.  Self-care isn’t selfish – it actually helps you refuel your energy and fresh your spirit so you can continue to care for the ones you love most (and from a position of more patience, love, and JOY)!

  • Operating with intention- You’re a social person, so you like to have a packed calendar of places to go,  things to do, and people to see.  Slow down from the busy hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. You don’t have to take on ALL of the invitations that land in your inbox. Instead, prioritize the activities that align you with your JOY in this season. 

  • Having fun! - The cares and concerns of others aren’t always yours to carry.  You can’t control what happens around you, but you can control how  you react and engage with them.


Subscribe and listen to the JOYrney To Purpose™ podcast.  I've highlighted one episode below to get you started.  Each week I also share tangible #JOYGems (think of them as tiny reminders and mantras) to support you in achieving your JOY-led vision and dreams.

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Purposed, Passionate, Popular, and PAID

(with Guest: Christine Michel Carter)

Yayyyyy!!!!  You can get started with The JOY Quest!  This this self-paced, guided program has been developed to help you rediscover yourself (and your JOY) within less than an hour.  But don't worry, you can move at the pace that works best for you.  ​

This program is for you, if you:


  • Have trouble prioritizing self-care and reclaiming space/time for yourself

  • Need help getting your life in order with manageable systems to stay organized

  • Find yourself unfulfilled and desiring to be re-inspired by a world of possibilities

  • If you generally want to feel more JOY and freedom... but you're unsure of what that even looks like


Between the videos, worksheets, and prompts given throughout this program – you'll have a roadmap for developing JOY-led habits and routines, so you can access JOY ...ONE feel-good thing at a time! 

Keep an eye on your inbox.  I’ll be sending over more curated resources, podcast episodes, and tools to help you prioritize your JOY – and clearly define your vision of what’s next.  


Buckle up baby, because you’re about to get on one amazing JOY-ride, and I’d be honored to be your guide!


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